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Woche is a non-seasonal collection of jewelry, made for everyday wear until it becomes like second skin.

The name translates to ‘week’ in German. Wearing these pieces daily makes them adjust to your body,

with small changes in patina, colour and shape. The Belgian label was established in 2016 by Clarisse Bruynbroeck.

Woche does not work according to a seasonal approach but rather evolves through time as an unconstrained collection. 


Coincidence and imperfection are aspects that return within the handmade pieces; in shape, material and technique. The apparent fragility only contributes to the aesthetics and does not affect the wearability of the jewelry.


Woche jewelry 

Euterpestraat 16

2600 Berchem



+32 474 62 00 75


Clarisse Bruynbroeck

VAT: BE0849744843


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